Turnkey solution for statistical sampling
MiniLab D with state-of-the-art vision technology and accurate servo controlled positioning, provides precision measurements of glass containers. Using high-resolution cameras and application-specific optics, MiniLab D measures the dimensional characteristics, weight, pushup, and wall thickness of both round and non-round glass containers. The typical MiniLab includes conveyors, gates, and control system as well as a combination of one or both of the following devices:
MiniLab D Dimensional Gauging with Weight Measurement System and / or MiniLab P Pressure Tester with Capacity Measurement System
- Fast and accurate measurements of a variety of critical glass container dimensions
- Increase the frequency and efficiency of the time-consuming quality control measurements
- Designed for factory floor (online) or laboratory (offline) environments
- Communicates with factory information systems for data gathering, archive, and review of product trends.
- Both devices provide mold correlated measurements and communicate together
- Additional features and benefits for individual MiniLab D and MiniLab P are located in each device section
A typical MiniLab includes conveyors, gates, and control system as well as a combination of one or more of the following devices:
- MiniLab D Dimensional Gauging and Weight Measurement System
and / or - MiniLab P Pressure Tester and Capacity Measurement System
MiniLab is available in several configurations that are easily installed in your lab or on the production floor:
- Off-line sampling with sets of containers loaded manually by the operator
- Automatic sampling with conainers automatically diverted fromt the production line(s)
MiniLab conveniently interfaces with your factory information system for data gathering, archive, and further analysis with SPC tools to review historical data and production trends.
TNB115 - Application Notes - MiniLab Configurations
PDF | 12.08.2024
TNB 133 - MiniLab Statistical Sampling System - FAQ
PDF | 12.08.2024
BR0016RevF - MiniLab
PDF | 12.08.2024